Here is list of useful common Shami expressions and words with a good video explaining them:
PS. Content of this post from:
ايش عم بيصير؟ - What's going on?
PS. Content of this post from:
- What - ايش/شو
ايش عم بيصير؟ - What's going on?
- Where - وين
- Why - ليش
- When - إمتى
- Who - مين
- How - شلون/كِيف
- How much - قًدّيش
- Now - هَلّق
- Good - مْنيح
- Tomorrow - بُكْرة
- Yesterday - مْبارِح
- Also - كمان
- Only - بَس
- But - بَس
- Not - مش
- Still - لسة
- Outside - بَرّا
- Inside - جوّا
- With - مع/وَيّا
- Which/Who - إللي/يللي
- To be able to - فيّ
- In order to/for/because of - عَشان
- After that - بَعْدين